Brand Varies - Aspirin liquid concentrate is used for swine, poultry, beef and dairy cattle. Contains 12% aspirin.
ORMD product, must ship UPS Ground.
Brand Varies - Aspirin Powder can be used to reduce fever and relieve minor muscle aches and joint pain in horses and livestock.
Brand Varies - Water-soluble, lincomycin-spectinomycin antibiotic for easy medication of chickens.
Brand Varies - Soluble powder - Aids in solving solubility problems for a variety of water-administered products in swine.
Convenient to use for regular...
Bayer - A ready-to-use permethrin insecticide dust designed to kill flies and lice on cattle, swine, and poultry
Bovidr Labs - Delivers high vitamins, trace minerals, amino acids & glucose in minutes.
Y-Tex - Used to control horn flies, lice, ticks and keds and to aid in the control of face flies, stable flies and other nuisance flies.
MGK - EverGreen® Pro 60-6 Concentrate is a multi-purpose, broad-spectrum, contact insecticide that excites pests out of hiding for a faster, more complete kill.
MGK - EverGreen® Pro 60-6 Concentrate is a multi-purpose, broad-spectrum, contact insecticide that excites pests out of hiding for a faster, more complete kill.
Brand Varies - Acidified Copper Sulfate is used as a supplemental source of copper in turkeys, chickens, and other livestock when copper therapy is indicated.
Arm & Hammer - CELMANAX delivers a full dose of yeast culture plus the extra power of MOS and beta-glucans to help bind mycotoxins.
Improve health and Maximize...