Elanco - A broad-spectrum antibiotic that is effective on a wide range of diseases caused by susceptible bacteria.
Brand Varies - This is an inexpensive first-choice for the treatment of bacterial infections in cattle, sheep, swine, and horses.
Norbrook - A sterile ready-to-use solution of broad spectrum oxytetracycline 300mg/ml.
For use in beef cattle, non-lactating dairy cattle, calves, veal calves and...
Brand Varies - Long-lasting broad-spectrum antibiotic for the treatment of pinkeye, footrot and pneumonia.
O xytetracycline Injection (200 Mg/ml). Provides...
Norbrook - A sterile ready-to-use solution of broad spectrum oxytetracycline 300mg/ml.
For use in beef cattle, non-lactating dairy cattle, calves, veal calves and...
Brand Varies - A high potency injectable multi-vitamin solution for use in the relief of B vitamin deficiencies and to provide supplemental nutritional vitamins to cattle,...
Elanco - A broad-spectrum antibiotic that is effective on a wide range of diseases caused by susceptible bacteria.
Brand Varies - Calcium Gluconate 23% is used in cattle as an aid in treating uncomplicated milk fever (parturient paresis) and calcium deficiencies in cattle.
Brand Varies - This is an inexpensive first-choice for the treatment of bacterial infections in cattle, sheep, swine, and horses.
Brand Varies - Dextrose 50% by is used as an aid in the treatment of uncomplicated primary ketosis in cattle. Used as a quick source of energy during the course of many...
Zoetis - Broad-spectrum antibiotic for the treatment in cattle and swine for various upper respiratory and general infections.
Species : beef and...
Zoetis - Broad-spectrum antibiotic for the treatment in cattle and swine for various upper respiratory and general infections.
Species : beef and...