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Synergized Delice by Merck is a permethrin ready to use spray  that gives fast knock down and  is safe for beef, lactating dairy, sheep and premises. It is ideal for winter...
Merck - Ultra Boss Permethrin Insecticide Pour-On for Cattle, Sheep, Goats and Horses is a synergized formula. Contains 5% permethrin and 5% piperonyl butoxide....
Merck - Synergized formulation lengthens insecticidal activity for the control of horn flies and lice on beef cattle and calves. Long-lasting, ready-to-use pour on...
Bayer - This product is a concentrated, synergized formula containing 7.4% permethrin and 7.4% piperonyl butoxide for use on cattle and their premises.
StarBar - Prolate is an organophosphorous insecticide that controls lice and mange on swine and horn flies, lice, mange and ticks on cattle. ORMD product, must ship...
Brand Varies - Back Rubber for cattle is made of tough polyester with an acrylic polypropylene rope that runs its full length. Backrubbers are FOB items.
Bayer - Protects wounds against screwworms, fleece worms, adult blowflies and spinose ear ticks. ORM-D—Ships UPS ground only.
Bayer  - This ready-to-use pour-on insecticide for all ages of cattle requires only a small amount of product for effective control. Controls horn flies, face flies and...
Bayer -  A ready-to-use permethrin insecticide dust designed to kill flies and lice on cattle, swine, and poultry
Y-Tex- Controls all horn flies including pyrethroid-resistant and organophosphate-resistant strains with a new unique chemical class, macrocyclic lactone. Ideal for...
Bayer - For use on beef and dairy cattle, horses, swine, sheep, and poultry. Use also around premise areas.  Helps repel houseflies, stable flies, fleas, lice mites,...
Bayer - This ready-to-use pour-on insecticide for all ages of cattle requires only a small amount of product for effective control. Controls horn flies, face flies...