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Specialty Hoof trimming products for all livestock. Manufactured in the United States, Designed for improving and maintaining the health of your animal.
Electric Hoof trimmer for all species of livestock, Sheep & Goats, Horses, Cattle, Available for use in the United States, UK and Australia.
The Electric Hoof Knife was specifically designed for the hoof trimming industry, taking into account customer feedback and using only the highest-rated components throughout. The tool is assembled here in Tallahassee, FL, so we have complete control over the quality of the Electric Hoof Knife from start to finish. We really work hard to offer our customers the best and most effective trimming power tool on the market. The Electric Hoof Knife has several features that when combined provide our customers with a superior trimming experience every time, the Electric Hoof Knife is powerful, durable and highly efficient.
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