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Goodwinol provides veterinary products to pet health care distributors, clinics and retail shops as well as the horse, livestock and poultry industries. While we do not sell to retail customers, they are welcome to call the company with questions or for referrals. The products range from shampoo and ointments, to "Pig Swig," a water wormer treatment for swine and poultry.
Goodwinol began with one product, Goodwinol Ointment. Ben and his father had drug stores and they were always coming up with product ideas. The Vet who did the first clinical testing on Goodwinol Ointment was Dr. Goodwin (hence the name Goodwinol). Back in the 1950s Ben made the ointment himself. He’d cook it in a huge stainless steel stock pot on the kitchen stove. Then he’d carry it down to the basement where he had a commercial mixer. He would mix it up, then pour it into the hopper which would fill one tube at a time. After the tubes were filled, each was put into a small box. Back then if we sold 144 (he always called it a “gross”) a month we were doing well. While the company was in its infancy, Ben was going to school to complete his degree in Education. He started teaching in 1957 and taught into the 1970s while continuing to run and grow his small business. Through the years, Goodwinol has slowly grown into the company it is today. When moving to Colorado in 1987 the company consisted of two products; Goodwinol Ointment and Rotenone Shampoo. Rotenone Shampoo became Goodwinol Shampoo and the VetRx and LeGear lines were added.
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