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Here at EasyCare, it's all about the horse and their human partners. Our business is manufacturing and distributing proven equine products that will enhance performance, provide protection, increase comfort for the horse and rider, and enrich the overall human-horse experience. Throughout five thousand years of domestication, the horse has had a more significant impact on human history than any other animal. Our goal is to help make the future of the horse/rider relationship as fulfilling and exciting as the past. What began in 1970 with the invention of the first Easyboot by Dr. Neel Glass (see Is Shoeing a Necessary Evil) to help a beloved family horse suffering from navicular disease, has since evolved into an entire line of hoof boots that provide an excellent alternative to iron shoes. This is due in part to the dedication, desire and diligence on the part of an incredible team of people. We're a company that cares deeply about horses and we will continue to develop products that provide comfort, support and performance for our equine partners. We are more committed than ever to continue to create innovative hoof boot designs with features and options that will allow horse owners to provide a natural hoofcare solution for their horses.
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