Bayer - Protects wounds against screwworms, fleece worms, adult blowflies and spinose ear ticks.
ORM-D—Ships UPS ground only.
An aerosol spray for use on wounds to kill and repel flies and fly maggots, Catron also controls ear ticks on livestock. Kills and repels face flies on livestock. Blue colored spray for easy identification. Good for use immediately following dehorning to keep flies away. It may be safely used on a variety to livestock.
Species: Beef and dairy cattle, calves, sheep, goats, swine, poultry and horses
Blue aerosol spray makes use and later identification easy.Â
Safe to use on wounds to keep insects away reducing chances of infection and infestation.
NOTE:Â This item can not be shipped to the following states: California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Rhode Island
NOTE:Â This item cannot ship via USPS
NOTE:Â This item can only be shipped via Ground services. It can not be shipped via USPS or any Air service. This item cannot ship to Alaska, Hawaii or Island Territories and internationally due to carrier restrictions
To kill and control screw-worms: Apply thoroughly to affected wound allowing spray to penetrate pockets made by maggots. Apply over wound drainage area to prevent re-infestation. Repeat treatment every 5 to 7 days until healed.
To protect new wounds from flies: Apply liberally over wound and drainage area. Repeat treatment every 5 to 7 days until healed. For prevention after dehorning, castration, tail docking, branding, and wire and shear cut wounds. This application may also treat navels of newborn animals.
To kill and repels flies: Apply to both sides of animal and down back making sure to get withers and forelegs. Apply to head area being careful not to spray into eyes.
For Poultry lice: Spray roosts, walls, nests or cages thoroughly followed by spraying birds with a fine mist.
To control blood sucking lice: Apply to the infested areas of the animal using a stiff brush to get the spray to the base of the hair. Repeat treatment every 3 weeks if required.
To kill ear ticks: For spinose ear ticks; spray downward directly into animal’s ear. Repeat as necessary. For Gulf Coast ear ticks; spray directly onto ticks on the outer surface of the animal’s ear. Repeat as necessary.