Springer Magrath - A calf claimer specially formulated for use on newborn calves to assure adoption by natural or foster mothers.
Has been field tested on cattle in Nebraska and Iowa.
Springer Magrath Orphan-No-More Calf Claimer is a flavored lick for newborn calves of first-calf heifers and orphan calves. Its helps encourage bonding between mother and calf and assure adoption by natural or foster mothers.
Species: Beef calves
The mother recognizes the smell and allows the calf to nurse.Â
Field tested in Nebraska and Iowa for more than two years.
Keep out of reach of children.
For animal use only.
Do not contaminate feed or water.
Wash hands after using this product.
Shelf life is 18 months if stored in a cool, dry place with lid applied tightly
Ingredients – 95.24% Animal Protein Products and 4.76% Ammonia
Packaged in 9 ounce bottle – enough for 4-5 calves
Works best at room temperature
Sprinkle a liberal amount of ORPHAN-NO-MOREâ„¢ down the backline from ears to tail head of the calf to be adopted. If the calf is dry, dampen the area before use to better assure adhesion. Whenever feasible confine mother (or foster mother) and calf in close quarters, preferable out of the wind, since odor plays an important role in calf adoption.