Feliway - Feliway MultiCat is clinically proven to help reduce tension and conflict in multi-cat households.
Diffuser sold separately!
Are your cats fighting or showing tension in your household?
FELIWAY MultiCat products are a clinically proven, drug-free solution to help alleviate many unwanted behaviors cat owners often deal with.
FELIWAY MultiCat sends "harmony messages" to cats and restores harmony between cats living together. By mimicking the natural feline appeasing messages (pheromones), FELIWAY MultiCat helps your cats live in harmony and avoid tension, conflict and fighting. Cat owners saw a 70% reduction in conflict in 3 weeks.
Use FELIWAY MultiCat refill vials along with the FELIWAY MultiCat diffusers (sold seperately) if you have 2 or more cats living together and if they shows signs of tension like chasing, blocking, staring. Use FELIWAY MultiCat in the rooms where your cats spend the most time.
The diffuser emits a copy of the feline appeasing pheromone mother cats produce during lactation helping the multiple cats feel safer and secure in their surroundings. Cats of all ages sense this pheromone giving them a calming affect with less animosity.
#1 brand used and recommended by veterinarians.
Clinically proven to work. Can see results within 7 days. 70% reduction in conflict in 3 weeks.
Drug-free solution that helps reduce conflict between cats living together. It may help decrease fighting, chasing, blocking and staring.
MultiCat Refill includes one vial that lasts up to 30 days (diffuser head not included, sold serperately).
FELIWAY MultiCat Refill vials include one refill vial (diffuser head sold seperately).
It is recommended to replace the refill every 4 weeks, even if a small amount of liquid remains in the vial (the vial will never be completely empty).
Refill lasts 30 days.