Elanco - A modified live vaccine to protect healthy cattle against IBR, BVD Type 1 and 2, PI3, and BRSV, and 5 strains of Leptospirosis plus Harjo Bovis.
A modified live vaccine to protect healthy cattle against IBR, BVD Type 1 and 2, PI3, and BRSV, and 5 strains of Leptospirosis plus Harjo Bovis. Safe for use in pregnant cow or calves nursing pregnant cows if females were vaccinated pre-breeding according to the label.
Species: Dairy and beef cattle and calves
Effective vaccine, providing protection against the 5-common virus and -strains of lepto with the additional strain of Harjo Bovis.
21 day slaughter withdrawal.
Keep refrigerated, do not freeze.
Use entire contents when first opened.
Recommended for the vaccination of healthy cows and heifers no less than 30 days prior to breeding. Can also be given to pregnant cattle provided they were vaccinated according to label directions with Titanium 3, Titanium 4L5, Titanium 5 or Titanium 5L5 HB 30 to 60 days prior to breeding.
Rehydrate vaccine just prior to use. Inject 2 ml subcutaneously, followed by a second dose of monovalent BRSV to be given 14 to 28 days after the first dose. Calves vaccinated before weaning should be revaccinated 30 days after weaning due to decrease in maternal antibodies. Annual revaccination is recommended.