M 028854
Zoetis - For vaccination of healthy swine 3 weeks of age or to prevent swine erysipelas disease caused by Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae.
ER Bac Plus is used for vaccination of healthy swine 3 weeks of age or older and aids in preventing swine erysipelas disease caused by Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae for a period of 20 weeks following the second dose in the vaccination regimen.
ER Bac Plus is a liquid, serum-free, clarified bacterin that has been chemically inactivated and combined with the adjuvant Amphigen® to enhance the immune response.
SAFETY AND EFFICACY: In laboratory and field safety studies of ER Bac Plus, no serious adverse reactions to vaccination were reported.
Efficacy of ER Bac Plus was demonstrated in 2 host animal studies conducted by Zoetis Inc.; an immunogenicity study and a duration-of-immunity study demonstrating efficacy 20 weeks after second vaccination.
Pigs vaccinated with ER Bac Plus, followed by challenge, had significantly fewer clinical signs of disease, including death, lesions, and fever, than nonvaccinated control pigs in both of the following studies.
Store at 2°-7°C. Prolonged exposure to higher temperatures may adversely affect potency. Do not freeze.
Use entire contents when first opened.
Sterilized syringes and needles should be used to administer this vaccine.
Do not vaccinate within 21 days before slaughter.
As with many vaccines, anaphylaxis may occur after use. Initial antidote of epinephrine is recommended and should be followed with appropriate supportive therapy.
General Directions: Shake well. Aseptically administer 2 mL intramuscularly.
Primary Vaccination: Healthy swine 3 weeks of age or older should receive two 2-mL doses administered 3-4 weeks apart.
Revaccination: Semiannual revaccination with single dose is recommended.
Good animal husbandry and herd health management practices should be employed.